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Tag: South Asia Region

Bringing Together NMHSs & Stakeholders for Climate Application Forum in Pakistan

The Climate Application Forum (CAF) is a platform for regular and iterative climate-informed preparedness planning and implementation. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) and stakeholder sectors convened on 6 December 2023 in Islamabad for the second session of CAF to provide sectoral stakeholders a platform...

Livestock DSS in Bangladesh results in savings for farmers

Remember the punishing heat wave that swept through different parts of Asia starting in April 2023? In Bangladesh, at its worst, temperatures reached above 42.8 degrees Celsius--the highest recorded in more than half a century. From 11 to 16 April 2023, the Department of...

Counting on CARE Component 1 Project Development Progress

The Second Regional Workshop of CARE Component 1, held in Bangkok from 28 to 30 November 2023, facilitated meaningful and insightful discussions on climate resilience, drawing from a wide range of expertise and experience of stakeholders from government institutions, development organizations, and research/academic entities from countries in...

3rd Climate Application Forum Convened in Pakistan

Sixty-three participants gathered in Islamabad, Pakistan for the 3rd Climate Application Forum (CAF). The multi-sectoral preparedness planning session leveraged evidence-based climate information application to address challenges posed by climate variability and change. Among the questions discussed were: How did the Pakistan...

Urban Planning Now Part of Bangladesh CAF

The 2024 Summer Session of the Bangladesh’s Climate Application Forum, on 10 June 2024 in Dhaka, convened 54 stakeholders from 14 government sectoral organizations, research institutes, development organizations, NGOs, and media agencies to collectively review the performance of BMD-generated forecasts, share their experiences in applying the same...

Collaborations Result in 1st National Climate Application Forum in Nepal

Nepal’s Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), supported by Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES), organized the first national Climate Application Forum (CAF) in Nepal on 13 May 2024. CAF is a venue for climate preparedness planning, where sectoral stakeholders review their climate...

Increasing Capacities for National Livestock Advisory System Management

In pursuit of CARE for South Asia Component 1’s objective to create an enabling environment for climate-resilient policies and investments across South Asia, the project is operationalizing climate-smart livestock Decision Support System (DSS) for the livestock sector in Bangladesh in close coordination with the Department of Livestock...

Sharing Livestock Advisory DSS with Key Stakeholders

Sharing Livestock Advisory DSS With Key Stakeholders