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Madhesh and Bagmati Agri Officials Trained on ADVISE

A Training of Trainers on Climate Information Application in the Agriculture Sector was held from 5 to 7 August 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal for agriculture officials from the Madhesh and Bagmati provinces. The training equipped these provincial government officials with the knowledge and skills...

Nepal Officials Share Insights on Satark DSS

The Hazard-Specific Consultation Workshop held on 14 August 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal, brought together thematic experts and officials to demonstrate and assess the latest version of Satark, the decision support system (DSS) for Nepal's disaster risk management sector being co-developed by Nepal's National Disaster Risk Reduction and...

CARE Component 1 holds RDAS Training for SAR Forecasters

On 31 July 2024, the training on Regional Resilience Data & Analytics Service (RDAS) was conducted back-to-back with the Regional Training Workshop for the South Asia HydrometForum Forecasters’ Forum Expanded Service Support and IBF Working Group meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand. 13 participants from...

Trainers for Pakistan ADVISE DSS Empowered

A pool of trainers on Climate Information Application in Agriculture from Punjab Agriculture Department (PAD) and Balochistan Agriculture and Cooperatives Department (BACD)...

Bringing Together NMHSs & Stakeholders for Climate Application Forum in Pakistan

The Climate Application Forum (CAF) is a platform for regular and iterative climate-informed preparedness planning and implementation. The Pakistan...

Livestock DSS in Bangladesh results in savings for farmers

Remember the punishing heat wave that swept through different parts of Asia starting in April 2023? In Bangladesh, at...