Home Nepal


Nepal is a landlocked, mountainous country located in the Himalayas, between India and China, in South Asia. The terrain is generally mountainous and contains many of the world’s highest peaks, including Mount Everest (8848 m). Small-scale, subsistence agriculture is the mainstay of Nepal’s economy, employing 78% of the country’s workforce, and most of the population lives in rural areas. Water and forests are abundant natural resources in Nepal, with freshwater (derived from glaciers, snowmelt and rainfall) accounting for 2.27% of the total world supply.

Project Activities

  • Downscale Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) climate outlook for implementation of Local Adaptation Plans of Action (LAPA), sectoral programs
  • Improve data flows and functionalities of existing Agriculture Management Information System (AMIS) for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD), and roll out AMIS to local/provincial level to support local agriculture extensions and advisories to farmers
  • Automate collection and management of hydrological and climate data, and link DHM's Application Programming Interface (API) with the user-department DSS for the use of hydromet data analytics
  • Integrate existing hazard maps to support ongoing hazard/risk assessments for resilient rural/local road network
  • Improve the Ministry of Finance's PFM information system for climate budget allocation, tracking expenditure, monitoring sustainability and assessing investment results in climate-related sectors
  • DSS training for policymakers and operational users from planning, finance, agriculture/livestock, water, transport and disaster risk management
  • Use the existing Climate Change Public Expenditure Review (PER) – policy, institutional and public expenditure review – to identify gaps and sequence an action plan for climate and disaster risk-informed investment, appraisal, and approval framework
  • Use the World Bank's Climate Change Fiscal Risk Analysis tool to support the design of climate-related fiscal-risk mitigation measures
  • Conduct district-level climate vulnerability assessments
  • Develop a handbook on climate resilience and adaptation for MoALD
  • Conduct analytical work to establish the scientific base for agro-climatic zoning policy
  • Agricultural policy analysis to support climate-resilient policy actions
  • Develop LAPA in one province as a pilot for potential scale-up
  • Develop a strategy for water harvesting
  • Develop an implementation plan to roll out the climate change financing framework in selected provinces
  • Support the integration of the updated Climate Change Policy 2019 into developing resilient road networks, slope stabilization and protection measures
  • Support the development of a hazard-risk and exposure-based scale-up plan for implementation of advanced bio and non-bio engineering slope stabilization solutions for the Department of Roads (DoR)
  • Provide training to increase understanding of climate-resilience adaptive policy-making, design and solutions in priority sectors (transport, water and agriculture)
  • Adoption of technology solutions; support for the creation of climate-smart institution, governance, and finance; establishing a mechanism to support national-level centers of excellence and universities for technical collaboration with line ministries; and diagnosis and adaptive design
  • Technical support to ministries of finance and planning for climate-informed macro-level analysis, modeling, and climate-informed fiscal risk management
  • Technical support to assist countries in gaining access to international climate finance, including support the accreditation process for national/sub-national entities to access the Green Climate Fund
  • Provide training to local governments on climate change adaptation, expenditures, budgeting and resilience in support of the federalization process
  • Support the capacity building and awareness of existing and new engineers in DoR on climate resilience, utilization of geo-hazard assessments, hazard maps, and climate data for undertaking climate-resilient design and construction
  • Training of Trainers (ToT) for DoR to train contractors and local engineers at the provincial level on climate risk-informed design and construction
  • Capacity building of national and provincial officials on CSA
  • ToT for corporative societies, civil society organizations and lead farmers to disseminate locally applicable CSA technologies