What We Do

The Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CARE) for South Asia Project, supported by the World Bank responds to gaps in climate-informed planning and decision making in South Asia. 

Regional Resilience Data & Analytics(RDAS)

RDAS is a platform where updated weather/climate and sectoral datasets from various national, regional, and global sources can be accessed. The RDAS is composed of three pillars: data, analytics, and predictive tools. 
There are more than 200 datasets in the RDAS data repository, covering the following sectors: administration, agriculture, disaster management, economic, environment, social, transportation, water resources, and weather and climate. All of them have been verified.

RDAS provides analytics tools to be applied to datasets to help better understand behavior patterns and relationships. Its predictive tools assess and help users anticipate potential impacts of weather/climate occurrences/phenomena in identified priority sectors, according to historical patterns and relationships between weather/climate and these sectors.

National Decision Support Systems (DSSs)

Standalone decision support systems for water, livestock, road transport, disaster risk management, and planning and development sectors in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan, dynamically generate forecast-based decision guidance. 
The DSSs will be linked to the RDAS to provide products for various decision makers at the national and sub-national levels.
Through various workshops and training sessions, the capacity of sectoral stakeholders to use and maintain the RDAS, DSSs, and their early warning/risk information products will be developed and enhanced. They can then apply the information products in the institutional context all the way to the grassroots and communities.
All the DSSs are being co-developed by RIMES with the respective partner government institutions to ensure their institutionalization. Various training programs and workshops are being conducted with stakeholders in order to  build their capacity and ensure they will be able to operate and maintain the systems well after project implementation.


In collaboration with MoALD, Agro-Advisory System, or ADVISE integrates weather forecasts, pest advisories, and other critical information to support decision-making for key crops such as maize, rice, and wheat.


In collaboration with DoR, National Vehicular and Transport Resilience Gateway, NAVIGATE serves as a dynamic and interactive platform for providing forecast-based advisories for specific road networks and advisories for road closures in Nepal.


The system utilizes existing products available from the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), regional climate centers including the European Center for Medium Range Forecast (ECMWF)


In collaboration with MoALD, Agro-Advisory System, or ADVISE integrates weather forecasts, pest advisories, and other critical information to support decision-making for key crops such as maize, rice, and wheat.


In collaboration with DoR, National Vehicular and Transport Resilience Gateway, NAVIGATE serves as a dynamic and interactive platform for providing forecast-based advisories for specific road networks and advisories for road closures in Nepal.


The system utilizes existing products available from the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), regional climate centers including the European Center for Medium Range Forecast (ECMWF)


In collaboration with MoALD, Agro-Advisory System, or ADVISE integrates weather forecasts, pest advisories, and other critical information to support decision-making for key crops such as maize, rice, and wheat.


In collaboration with DoR, National Vehicular and Transport Resilience Gateway, NAVIGATE serves as a dynamic and interactive platform for providing forecast-based advisories for specific road networks and advisories for road closures in Nepal.


The system utilizes existing products available from the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), regional climate centers including the European Center for Medium Range Forecast (ECMWF)

Capacity Building

RDAS is a platform where updated weather/climate and sectoral datasets from various national, regional, and global sources can be accessed. The RDAS is composed of three pillars: data, analytics, and predictive tools. 
There are more than 200 datasets in the RDAS data repository, covering the following sectors: administration, agriculture, disaster management, economic, environment, social, transportation, water resources, and weather and climate. All of them have been verified.
RDAS provides analytics tools to be applied to datasets to help better understand behavior patterns and relationships. Its predictive tools assess and help users anticipate potential impacts of weather/climate occurrences/phenomena in identified priority sectors, according to historical patterns and relationships between weather/climate and these sectors.

South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF)

The South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF) is a regional initiative that provides capacity building and training activities to support National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to generate ad transform climate data into reliable information that are critical to saving lives and assets and strengthening the resilience of communities in South Asia.

Our Regional Impact

200 + Datasets

Verified and Comprehensive

3 + Countries

Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan

Multiple Sectors

From Agriculture to Disaster Management