Damodar Kanel

Agriculture Expert

Damodar designs and develops approach, methodology, and tools to assess user needs of the agriculture sector in Nepal. He coordinates the review of sectoral decision-making processes and use of weather and climate information, and identifies key challenges and gaps facing the users.

Damodar also evaluates the adequacy of existing Decision Support Systems (DSSs), and provides inputs to ensure relevance and use in sectoral planning and decision-making. He provides technical inputs for improving the Nepal Agriculture Management Information System (NAMIS) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development to integrate climate information, vulnerability and risk analysis and mapping, and response options.

With over 15 years of experience with international organizations, including the UN and international NGOs, Damodar brings extensive experience in development and humanitarian, with a focus on livelihoods, agriculture, food security, nutrition, climate change and disaster risk reduction. He holds master’s degrees in Environmental Management and Development from the Australian National University, and in Agriculture from Tribhuvan University in Nepal.