As part of the series of trainings to capacitate stakeholders in using the regional Resilience Data and Analytics Services (RDAS), a hybrid training was organized by RIMES in Kathmandu, Nepal on 23 December 2024. Around 80 participants from South Asia and other regions participated in the event. Out of this number, 41 were on-site participants from various institutions and sectors in Nepal inclusive of, among others, agriculture and livestock, transport, disaster management, planning and development, climate, and water. This RDAS training in Nepal familiarized and capacitated participants in using the different modules/tools in RDAS, as follows:
- Analytics Tools
- El Nino and Local Climate Analytics;
- Land Use and Land Cover Change Analytics; and
- Cropping Calendar Suitability to Observed Climate Analytics,
- Predictive Tools
- El Nino Predictive Tool; and
- Temperature Sensitivity Alert System (TempS)
The training was customized in the context of the unique characteristics of Nepal, to ensure relevance to, and appreciation of, stakeholders of the tools, and in order for these stakeholders to provide focused feedback/recommendations, for tools enhancement/refinement. Particularly, TempS, a temperature impacts tool, is piloted for early warning vis-à-vis sensitivity to extreme temperatures in Nepal’s livestock sector.
The RDAS tools can be accessed via