Counting on CARE Component 1 Project Development Progress

The Second Regional Workshop of CARE Component 1, held in Bangkok from 28 to 30 November 2023, facilitated meaningful and insightful discussions on climate resilience, drawing from a wide range of expertise and experience of stakeholders from government institutions, development organizations, and research/academic entities from countries in South Asia and other regions.

Progress sharing sessions were held on the most recent features and functionalities of the regional Resilience Data and Analytics Services (RDAS) and national Decision Support Systems (DSSs) for agriculture, livestock, disaster risk management, planning and development, transport, and water.

Stakeholders underwent capacity building/training sessions on how to use the systems. They, in turn, provided feedback and guidance on the development of these tools during working group discussions, to facilitate maximum service benefits from, and sustainability of, the systems.

The event also served as a platform to build a roadmap to strengthen the South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF) interventions to improve capacities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) to respond to stakeholders’ evolving requirements and build collaborations within the region.

CARE Component 1 is harnessing climate science and latest technologies to develop user-centric digital systems and collaborations within the region for evidence-based climate-smart decision making in institutions and communities.