Sharing Livestock Advisory DSS with Key Stakeholders

CARE for South Asia participated at the NAP Expo 2024 held in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 22 to 25 April. The annual event is organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)* and serves as a venue for the exchange of experiences and foster partnerships among stakeholders on how to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAP) in Bangladesh.

At the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock booth, RIMES staff members showed how the Department of Livestock Services’ National Livestock Advisory System (NLAS) works. The NLAS is the Decision Support System (DSS) to address climate change adaptation for livestock in Bangladesh currently in full development under CARE Component 1.

In April 2023, the NLAS generated a special bulletin advising more than 44,000 farmers from 13 districts of extreme heat that would persist for two weeks. The advisory, delivered to livestock farmers in the form of voice messages, warned of the risk of heat stress that their livestock could face. Those who heeded the advice reported savings of USD 22.30 per farmer per week.

*The UNFCCC is the United Nations process for negotiating an agreement to limit dangerous climate change.

The NLAS can be accessed at: