Trainers for Pakistan ADVISE DSS Empowered

A pool of trainers on Climate Information Application in Agriculture from Punjab Agriculture Department (PAD) and Balochistan Agriculture and Cooperatives Department (BACD) was established at the completion of a Training of Trainers from 7 to 8 August 2024 in Islamabad. The training was co-organized by the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) and RIMES as part of the World Bank-funded CARE Component 1.

The training equipped participants with knowledge and skills to utilize climate information of different timescales in various agricultural applications, and utilize the CARE-developed Agro-Advisory System (ADVISE) in guiding agricultural plans and decisions, particularly at the farm level. The pool of trainers, with continuing guidance from RIMES, PMD, PAD and BACD, will train select communities in Punjab and Balochistan in climate information applications and utilizing ADVISE in climate-informing plans and decisions. This pool of trainers will also be the primary focal persons for managing information products/advisories from ADVISE in Punjab and Balochistan.